Once people found out about everything I went through as a child automatically I get the response 'You're such a fighter'. However I do not think of myself as a fighter, I think the real fighter is my mum. If I didn't have her by my side then I wouldn't of had any fight in me. I couldn't imagine what life was like for her to watch her first born, at such a young age, go through this horrible disease. She was like a rock.
Then again I did do a lot of fighting with the doctors, resulting in many of them getting a kick in the face...not lying. Obviously back then I didn't understand they was only there to help me. Screaming and kicking you can imagine the looks I used to get bet they thought 'Oh god here she comes'. But luckily my body did fight the disease so I can re-tell my story to help people today.
I remember in my last year of college I had no clue what route I wanted to go down either carry on the dancing or give it all up and get a full time job. My teacher said to me 'Abi out of everyone I really believe you can carry on because you're a fighter'. For the industry I want to go into I think you have to be a fighter after facing rejection upon rejection you need true passion to stick with it. There has been many times were I want to give it all up but I remember that little girl, with no hair, wanting to fit in and take ballet lessons and this gives me the push to carry on dancing. In a way my illness gave me a completely different outlook on life and I believe you should do whatever you out your mind to.
In all fairness the real fighters today are the children/adults still fighting this disease going through hours of chemo or radiotherapy. Honestly no one understands how horrible it is to experience chemo being constantly sick and bedbound when all a child wants to do is to get out of bed and go to the play room to socialise or play with their favourite toy. These guys all fighting for their lives which truly deserves recognition and they are all individually amazing. Let's not forget the doctors who do incredible work every day trying to save lives and trying to find a cure for cancer, they truly are hero's.
From my previous blog post I mentioned I have a extremely bad phobia of needles. I am pleased to tell you I am getting better when having blood tests. No longer kicking doctors in the face! The fear is still vibrant but from seeing younger people being able to do it with no tears I decided I needed to man up and control it. So if you find yourself also battling a phobia with needles, trust me, one day it will become better.
So I guess I can be branded as a fighter but everyone is fighting something new everyday which means we all are truly amazing. I'd like to remind everyone to keep on fighting and pushing on! Also like to thank my rock of a mum for being by my side everyday and keeping that fighting spirit in me. Thank you for reading xx